Thanks for the webcam chats today Mels. That was the highlight of my day. The rest of it was spent cleaning and packing and getting ready to head back to Cayman. In one week I'll be in a different world again. Hmm...I wonder how long I'll stay. Craziness. The ocean is calling me. Put your ear to a shell - it will call you too. Anyway, back to Mels. Anyone reading this should know about Melsey Pelsey (and everyone not reading this). She is my twin sister. Well, just kidding, not really, but nevermind (who knew Dodgeball could produce such a useable quote)! She is the mother hen of her 2 younger sisters (me and Lisa)...she tends to keep us in check. Our other sister is off galavanting in India (for a great cause) and we hope to see her again! We're spread over 3 different continents so that will need to change SOON. Mel is RAVISHING but what's that about baggy jeans? She also enjoys her haircuts and Daisy the dog as featured in the photo. But not all at the same time. Mel come visit me in Cayman and we'll make some more memories to catch up on the last year and a half - we need to catch up on laughing at things that really just aren't funny! BTW, we have a band. We'll get into that later.
Hey Mels, just thought I'd re-post your blog address cause there is a typo and it brings you to some random site. So, for anyone who wants to check out Mels blog it it http://www.melseypelsey.blogspot.com
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