Chickens and Crabs and More Rain

So I was supposed to have a ride into work this morning but they were a no show so I start walking/hitchhiking there. There are so many random chickens and roosters running all over peoples yards - its quite funny. Actually, because of the roosters I need to have my fan on full blast throughout the night to drown out the noisy birds. And just so you know, they don't just cockaldoodle in the morning. But, I learned that the first time I was here.
I got picked up quite a ways after passing Vivine's Kit-hen. Before that though I somehow murdered my toe on the pavement in my flip flops. At least it was just the nail this time - last time it was chunks of flesh. Brutal. It happened right in front of some construction workers who are re-building some hurricane Ivan homes. So of course they were very concerned. Anyway, the driver of my hitch hike ride was late for work so that was nice of him to stop. He was building cabanas on the public beach in East End - his workers were already on the job. And today there was more rain. And then more. And then some more. And its still raining. But its lovely cause its still all warm and humid out while its raining. Isn't great for business, but considering our boat is out of the water until who knows when I guess its a good time for rain! Was hoping to go into town (or at least part way) to see the Oilers game tonight. Both of possible rides ditched on me though so you guys will need to fill me in. So I went for a walk instead. As what usually happens on my evening walks, good ole Billy drove by and reversed 'hey babe, where ya heading tonight. need a ride?' and as usual I respond 'no Billy, I'm just out for a walk', and his reply 'one of these nights I'm gonna stop and take you out for a beer'. Its funny cause its the same conversation every time. He's a hoot though. For those of you who don't know Billy, the famous East End fisherman, then I'll have to do a write-up on him - but that's a whole 'nother blog. Ah yes, the crabs. Some of you have heard about these land crabs we have here. My first encounter with them were with my roommates scoring points each time they drove over one (it isn't without consequence, these suckers jab their claws into the tires and puncture them - so watch out). My second encounter with these critters was when I opened my room door one day and here was this honkin crab looking up at me with his beaty little eyes as if asking permission to come into my room. I said aloud 'I don't think so buddy' and as soon as I said that he started walking through my doorway sideways with claws opening and closing mid-air as he scavenged in. I shoved him out into the hallway and went about as usual. Don't ask me why I only pushed him as far as the hallway, but hey, I never saw him again (from there when I went to have a shower and pulled back the curtain there was a scorpion awaiting me - but that's another story...let's just say that whole day was strange). And my third encounter with these happy little hunters was tonight on my walk. Buddy rushed out in front of me and then wiped his eyes which was weird in itself and then acted all defensive. They really like roads and cars, so he then tried to get run over my oncoming traffic but failed to due so...Its almost like they're just begging to pop some tires, even if it costs them their life. Oh wait, there should have been one more encounter before that, it was a pancaked crab on my way to work this morning - amazing how flat they can get.
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