what time it is?

Monday, October 23, 2006

white on rice

I've emerged from the one-way GO tunnel I've been jetting through all week (but only for a minute) - long enough to update my blog (I guess there is light at the end of the tunnel).

I'm impressed with all my blog followers - if I needed motivation to aimlessly document this random and yet destiny-filled journey, you would certainly be it (thanks for your emails and postings). The strange yet intriguing blog sub-culture has gone from 'what's a blob?' to 'blogging is the new pink'. I'm happy to be on board with the latest trends (I am now in that highly superficial yet obsessively addicting 'trendy' industry after all). I haven't been avoiding spitting my letters into this cyberspace vortex - just too crackerjack consumed with the life called Rebecca (mom, I know its not all about me! lol...oh wait a second - it's not???). Apologies all around (as if you really cared).

Well, the suspenseful await of the Toronto update is............nEwS fLaSh.........this city is growing on me like WHITE ON RICE. Well, maybe more like black on smog (are we allowed to invent our own 'would be' hackneyeds - or do they not graduate to such a title until the wheel turns and turns and turns - I guess 'would be' it is).

But really and truly now, I think I'm becoming one of them: a Toronto city slicker (not to be confused with greasy spoon - but there are a few of those here too). Is that bad? Am I that soon to conform and follow the crowd? No, I think its called survival of the fittest in a Dog eat Dog world.

I've now OFFICIALLY experienced subway rush hour which unfortunately did offer free pin-ups (no not that kind) against the wall, a beautiful merged scent of hundreds of bodies forehead to forehead, and the wonderful sport of pushing. Good thing I'm not a pushover, or dare I say a sitting duck (actually, not quite right on the terminology, but trust me I'm no sucker for financial scams either - oh, just look it up). Good news is I think I've passed initiation: I can now mindlessly blur my way through the transit system, be in a rush for its own sake (something that is highly regarded in these parts), push people out of my way, rudely stare at people's shoes for the entire ride, grab the first seat available before someone else can sit down, bulldoze my way through 'slow' people, cut people off who can't for the life of them walk in a straight line (take a class or get some help for that already), use the escalator as a race to the finish line and give a vehement and what I'll label 'Torontonian glare' to anybody who might choose to step on my toes so to speak. Yup, I'm now one of those important people I talked about on one of my last blog postings. Ahh, take a deep breath in, the air is fresh!

Weapons of a Fashionable Kind
For all of those who've expressed concern for my safety (ha!), don't you worry because little did I know my Fashion Design course ARMED me with weapons of a fashionable kind.
I have rulers protruding out of my bags, one being a dangerous metal meter stick but perhaps the most deadly is the L-squared - that one is a lawsuit waiting to happen (but handy I must say). Probably the weapon of choice would have to be the gun-like carrying case for my drafting papers. I've had several comments that it looks like a gun case and trust me nobody messes with me. Although, I was a bit hesitant going into the banks with it...didn't want them to pull out a swat team on me (and they would have been disappointed with their great efforts only to find some marker paper). Wait a minute, I seem to remember going to 2 different banks with it on the same day - that is a bit suspicious, why would I do that.
I also lug around a colour theory kit and a sewing kit so at any given moment I could paint or sew up a storm. I didn't say it would be skilled - not yet but just wait for it. My waiting list of label 'promoters' includes Jay, Jon, Jerome and I'm sure there are more who signed up but I have a sneaking suspicion they just want FREE clothes (I know how guys think -man, I feel used).

While on the subject of drafting supplies, those who are smart enough to distinguish a gun case from a paper case and to make the relation with the rulers, have asked me on several accounts if I'm an architect. They have a sparkle in their eyes when they ask (as if talking to someone who truly contributes to their city) and a respect I could only dream about. When my standard 'no, I'm in Fashion Design' answer shatters to the ground I don't know whether to feel worse that I've disappointed them or that they so rudely showed me their sudden loss of interest through their obvious facial expressions. Next time, I'll witness their reaction when I declare 'yes', of course as I falsely exude satisfying confidence - oh come on, just for a day. My fashion buddy Ashley is longingly waiting for someone to ask her the same question.

Re courses: Sewing Constr. is taking practice (never sewed b4!), Intro to Fashion is the easiest, Elements of Design (zeitgeist!) is the most tedious, Math is a necessity, Evolution of Fashion is kinda mind-numbing but strangely interesting, Textiles is the most fascinating and INTERESTING, Pattern Drafting is the most practical and educational, while Colour Theory is kinda done b4 and therefore a nuisance. On average, I do seem to have anywhere from 2-6 hours homework per class. All in all, I'm having a good time at 'school'. But I would like to know when I can have a social life. This weekend from morning-night (quite literally) comprised of HOMEWORK and errands. BUT, I did meet this super hot guy at the Laundromat today. ;)

Well, 5:45am comes early so I'll have to end here for now (on average I get a whopping 5 hours of sleep per night). But I'll try to update a couple more times this week (well, lets make that once), and hopefully post at least a couple pics. And again, to all those who emailed, I'm not ignoring, I've read some, haven't read others, but will get back to you hopefully this week. I'm really not the self-absorbed beeeeatch you think I am - lol, well, maybe these past two weeks I have been. ;)


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