Puppy Love
Sit Bailey Sit
Well, it hasn't even been 4 months and I'm already an auntie. Yes, that's right. Not quite the auntie I was expecting but I guess I'll have to spoil this rugrat with dogbones. Bailey is Mark and Amanda's new purebread Red Lab - they chose rarity over their initial desire for chocolate (lab that is). Mark described him as a cute lil ankle bitter b4 I had a chance to see him. Cute he is, ankle biter he is not - try flesh chomper! I remember Coco (my german shep) had her puppy bitting days...until I bit her back. Never again! But that might explain why she now ignores me. Sigh...
I didn't believe he was an active pup cause he was brown bread (dead) when I got there but nothing a little pizza delivery couldn't help. Wow, I don't think I can have children for awhile yet but that's the great thing about being an Auntie - you get to go home the next day.
Check back for growth updates - as a proud auntie I'll be sure to post them. Bailey - and you thought it was just a smooth drink. Ya alright alright I know we're talking about a dog but as you can see he is a cutie pattoutie:

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