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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Fashion Incubator - fashion babies

So today we had a field trip to the TIF (Toronto Fashion Incubator). I feel like I'm in Elementary school again its great.
Me and Ash decided to walk cause the directions said 20 min. Well, 50 min later - ok, granted we stopped off at Second Cup for our daily dosage of green tea but we walked like speed bullets so I don't know what happened there.
Anyway, to give you a quick rundown of the incubator for the sake of Canadian designers everywhere:
Basically the name says it all. Its a place to help and nurture new fashion designers. It has great resource materials which pretty much teach you anything industry related and more, acess to a showroom for your clientelle, industry pro consultants and a Resident Program where you can actually be located at TIF and use all of their equipment. Its a pretty sweet concept and if you care to read more you can check out http://www.fashionincubator.com
Its 20 years old and was the first in the world. They get people coming in to see how to bring the idea to their location. In fact, the mayor of Chicago just visited to see if he can design a similar program so they stop losing all their designers to NYC.
Here are some random pictures of our walk down Queen St W today. My bud Ash is the one with the graffiti wings. The other friends are Laura and Belina.


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