
Well that is my new average bedtime, which is good, cause I guess it makes me feel like a wreckless whipper snapper once again. Unfortunately its my sewing supplies that occupy my youthful hand, not a candy apple. I never thought I could miss a candy apple as much as a long lost friend. I've even somehow gained that nickname...but that's another story. Don't worry, its not as sketchy as it sounds. I mean come on, in Edmonton they are a mere $3. And for $14 you think they could at least make it right. Oh well, no money lost out of my pocket!
This is now (unofficially) the longest I have neglected my blog. Makes me wonder if I would ever be a good mom. Good thing my blog is here to teach me life lessons. Blogs are more than just hungry vortexes that suck on your brain. Oh wow, that brings back the smash Eve 6 song 'sucking on my brain, you're the teacher I'm the student'. Now there's a song that helped me through high school. I'd use it as my college theme song, but the vote is already in for Daniel Beddingfield's 'Gotta get thru this'.
I can't believe I haven't blogged since b4 leaving Toronto around Christmas time. Well, I guess I need to triple rewind and post those pics of my place that I was meaning to for ever ever. For ever ever ever. Its since changed a little but come on...wait for it.
Oh, and isn't my bathroom romantic?

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