Its a New Day

Change is good. Mom, this post is for you cause you asked me to blog pics of my new hair color. I know you liked the blonde, but trust me the sun out here changes it to white an I jus can't handle that! Its amazing how much people react, like seriously its just a color. So far everyone's reaction has been shock. Someone even said my face hasn't adjusted to it yet...I'm sure they meant they hadn't got used to seeing it yet - since when does your face change to match your hair color! Anyway, I don't regret it so its all good. Once I'm out of the constant sun I'll probably go blonde again but its staying like this for a good while.
I went for dinner to Portofino's tonight with the girls from OF. I wouldn't normally go for dinner there but hey, it was fun to have a girls night out for a change. My roomate is coming back this week. I've been so lucky to have the house to myself for a whole month but it'll be nice to have more company again. We also have a couple moving into the room next to mine at the end of the month - great. What can ya do...
Looking at the ceiling in my room I realize my gecko friend hasn't been around for a few weeks. I hope that doesn't mean an even bigger spider ate him. But there is a tailess gecko that hangs out on our porch and he's pretty cool - maybe he'll move in soon. They make the best roomates.
Did I mention I got Maiden Plum poisoning from our caving adventure? It came a few days late but its over my left arm and lets just say I'd rather not have it. Its unsightly and itches like mad. Next time you see a jungle of Maiden Plum, avoid it at all costs. And that's my tip of the day.

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