I thought it was about time to start bloggin events from when I came back to Canada for that lovely month. I'll start from the

beginning. Well, Jenni and Rob Leriger de la plante's wedding rehearsal was going to

be the day after I came back from

Cayman but because of those wonderful people at Northwest Airlines, I got home a day late. So after heading into town when I got home, I went straight to PBC for the rehearsal...Heather and I had fun being the candlelighters though I must say I struggled with the safety switch. That weekend we went to the wedding, and I brought my friend Greg who made fun of the slight Caymanian slang but he picked it up after an afternoon so there you go! It was good times. The wedding was really nice and Jenni looked beautiful in her amazing dress and the bridesmaids all looked smokin as

well. The reception was crazy fun with jokes, games and some groovin dancin goin on. I must say even my 'rents had the moves, what could be a little embarassing (ha!) but it

wasn't cause they were too into it and havin a good time. It was hilarious. Very entertaining. And mom and dad, think of all those receptions dad has that you could be dancing at! That would be sure to impress his bigwig customers! Anyway, I was glad that I left work to see Jenessa get married...and I get to be Auntie Becca soon - right Jenni? Ha!
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