the big city

Well, its official I've been accepted into the Fashion Design program at IADT in Toronto. I was originally wanting to go to FIDM in California but it was more of a hassle and I realized why the crackerjack would I want to live in the states. SO, as the story goes, I applied a few days ago, couriered my application/portfolio and was accepted that same day they received it. I suddenly had a week and a half to get ready because I leave Oct 1st.
I already have my Cayman-priced accommodation sorted as well as my cheap West Jet flight. The student loan is in the works so lets hope that goes through else it will be a short-lived experience! I've almost been home from Cayman for 2 months and its time to pack my bags again. And yes I know its Ontario - would ya turn down the suck knob I've already heard it! :) I will miss all you hosers (any easterners reading this can look up that term at - something only a westerner can really truly understand-sigh.)
I'm super stoked to go and happy to be moving on from Edmonton. But I will still be cheering for the Oilers cause that is something that stays with ya! I don't know when the next time I'll be in Edmonton (this is a 2 year program) so please give me a call if you're in the area or even make a trip out for the fun of it. And I love the fact that Toronto has cheap and direct flights to the tropics. I just can't get the beach and the caribbean lifestyle out of me.
But for the meantime, I guess this blog has shifted from my Cayman blog to posts from the big city. Stay tuned for all the fantastic updates and to see if I'm wearing a surgical mask in any future pics to protect my lungs from the infamous Toronto smog. Oh wow (remember that phrase sisters?). And the random tip of the day is to find your way out of a soggy paper bag - its not that hard (more on the satisfying world of hackneyed phrases to come). Or wait, mom, what is that about a soggy box! So much better!