what time it is?

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Drake

On my bday a few school friends and I went to check out the fashion show at The Drake hotel near Dufferin in Toronto. A night of stayin young - fashion, drinks and Toronto transit lol. The show took forever to get started, but at least we were front row centre. It was ayt, but then we moved on to do some dancin damage but who knew nothin is open on a Tuesday night in Toronto. Throwing away our dancing shoes, we settled for some chilled pub which suited my hoser needs. Back home for some raisin bran and soy milk (you know it) and then knitting class in the morning. That's right, I said knitting. Btw, what's the point of a knitting machine if it is so hands on anyway??? But you gotta love knowing how to pick up a dropped stich. Cause without that you're screwed.

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Two Peas in a Pod

Happy Birthday to me. Or happy quarter century as Pete likes to put it. Although I had school on my bday it was a good time cause the 'rents were able to come down to visit for 4 days around that time. They'd be mad I posted the above pic but I love it so I couldn't resist. It is too cute. Two little worms in a cacoon or perhaps a nicer way to put it two peas in a pod. I lent my futon the first night and although a very comfortable futon, they opted for my new heaven-rest sleep country bed after that cause of dad's back problemo. So I enjoyed the futon and was out like a light. I had fun with the rents, it was nice to have 'out-of-town' visitors'. But I put them to work. The days were full to the brim. We went to RAIN (Beatles), Monster Truck (ya baby), did errands, homework, renovations, school tour, walkin the town, Ikea, the subway, church, I ate like a queen, and I of course took them to my old hood - Jane and Woolner. And we checked out my neighbour Wayne Gretzky. Good times. And then they ditched me to go back to Edmonton. lol.

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Happy New Years

Well last year I spent New Years at a beach bar in Cayman and this year I spent it doin some serious chillin in AB. A few of us went to Ryan's house party in the grove. Who thought such an innocent house party could be so wild and crazy. Oh yes it was. I think there were too many shooter trays. Go easy now people. I was pretty stoked it was 2007 though...seems like a good year! Bring it on baby.

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Good things come in 1/4s

Did I mention I'm a 1/4 of the way done school? Its true. I have my cuz Mel to thank for reminding me of that one! Halfway done will feel SO good. I love it like white on rice.
The above pic is of Bethany with her Mexican Jumping Beans. One of the highlights of going back to Eddy was of course to see Bethany (and all my crazy hosers) cause I hadn't seen her since she left for Australia and me Cayman. CCccraaziness. Time flies faster than mosquitoes.
I went over for boxing day which was really their Christmas cause of the ole work schedule. We had fun with cracker jacks (I scored a sweet shell bracelet-not the throw-away kind of prize), dominoes, food, and of course the best stocking gift award that went to.......the Mexican Jumping Beans. Hers were kinda sleeping so we kept trying to wake them up and sure enough with a little tender care they started to jump. We spent all night trying to figure the science behind it AND let me now step in....Bethany, someone just informed me that they are indeed bugs. I know it crossed our minds, but yes apparently they REALLY are bugs. I mean, do I look dumb enough to be asked, 'you didn't eat them did you?". I'm blonde not Mexican! That's not a racial Mexican joke. I love Mexicans, and they love their jumping beans....they put their name in front of it afterall. So much for wanting them as pets...instead, I'll stick to potbellied pigs (bless Pumpkin my little piggy).
The first pic below is of a couple of my boys Jay and Ryan. Now Jay why do ya always gotta hide from my camera. How are you ever gonna model for the Brick like that? Anyway that's us at Joey's, which seems to be our spot of choice when I hit Etown. I seem to remember you guys making fun of bellinies....oh wait, what was that pitcher you ordered? I seem to remember the slushy substance was pink and blue? Would you like some fairy cakes with that!

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Well that is my new average bedtime, which is good, cause I guess it makes me feel like a wreckless whipper snapper once again. Unfortunately its my sewing supplies that occupy my youthful hand, not a candy apple. I never thought I could miss a candy apple as much as a long lost friend. I've even somehow gained that nickname...but that's another story. Don't worry, its not as sketchy as it sounds. I mean come on, in Edmonton they are a mere $3. And for $14 you think they could at least make it right. Oh well, no money lost out of my pocket!

This is now (unofficially) the longest I have neglected my blog. Makes me wonder if I would ever be a good mom. Good thing my blog is here to teach me life lessons. Blogs are more than just hungry vortexes that suck on your brain. Oh wow, that brings back the smash Eve 6 song 'sucking on my brain, you're the teacher I'm the student'. Now there's a song that helped me through high school. I'd use it as my college theme song, but the vote is already in for Daniel Beddingfield's 'Gotta get thru this'.

I can't believe I haven't blogged since b4 leaving Toronto around Christmas time. Well, I guess I need to triple rewind and post those pics of my place that I was meaning to for ever ever. For ever ever ever. Its since changed a little but come on...wait for it.

Oh, and isn't my bathroom romantic?

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