It's house IS a sauna and did I mention the sharks were HUNGRY today???

Ok, so, I realize I haven't blogged in awhile. When you work 24/7 things get in tha way u know? Instead of posting a monster blog I'll catch up wit lil ones. Starting today an workin backwards I guess. To explain the title let's jus say tha at any given moment it in the high thirties in my house. You can jus be sittin there an sweat be drippin in beads like it does on em basketball players. Cancel your leisure centre membership an come to my house cause the benefits are fo sure the same. Unbelievable heat. The other day I had to take 4 showers. But tha jus how it is. I pretty used to it now. The air conditionin be makin me sick so there's na much choice! As for them sharks - it was back to Stingray City again today. Two back to back trips. Now we do a 3 stop snorkel trip an one stop is to the reef where we ga a resident moray eel (Psycho) an a couple a nurse sharks. They friendly enough but today is the first day I pet them on the first trip which was all cool. On the second trip I decided to feed him. He wa jus swimmin under me and then I fed him an we was playin and swimmin round each other but then when I ran outta calamari he decided tha he wa still hungry. He wa encirclin me which wa still all good but then he came right up in my face an kept trying to get his mouth near me. Tha when I was thinkin 'k, is he bein nice an friendly or is he wantin to clamp onto my flesh wit them jaws'. So I tested it out by swimmin away but he kept on after me an he would catch up an come to my face again. So I decided I had enough playin for tha day an a couple a fin shakins wa enough to get rid of him. They're good sharks though nutin to really worry bout. It wa probably jus tha squid tha Shane so meanly rubbed on my shoulder b4 I ga in tha water. It was pretty fun out there today. But boy the stingrays were real feisty too. They were jumpin out and rubbin against with force today! I didn't even have calamari in tha water at one point but a couple of em still tried to give hickies on my thigh-cheesum. I never been able to catch an hold em b4 cause I jus couldn't do it but today on both trips I was able to catch an hold em which wa pretty cool. I still don't really trust their venomous barbed tails when I holdin em like that (I had a couple of them 'playfully' fling their tails at me b4) but like I tell the, nutin to worry bout. It my day off tomorrow which is great cause I almost dead from bein so tired wit work an everything. Don't know if one day is enough to rejuvinate on Sunday we ga go an work on em Bat Caves so we can get tha trip up an running. So I ga be crawling in small crevices an be gettin covered in red long as I can stay awake - I might mistake the dark cave for much needed sleep an fall asleep wakin up with guano on me. Anyway, tonight will probably be another late night cause it my only Friday night so to speak... Next blog I'll tell ya bout my offshore fishin trip last Saturday. Aie!